
Showing posts from May, 2023

Great turnout for Blitz Comp - May 23

The club held a blitz competition on Tues 2nd May.  We had a great turnout with 25 players, half of which were juniors.   Carl Kennedy was the well deserved winner with 4.5 out of 5.  There were also particularly good performances by two of our juniors, Harry and Oliver.  Following the success of this event, we intend to run similar competitions on the first Tuesday of each month during the summer. The final scores were: Carl  4.5 Harry B, Geoff  4 Chris, Oliver, Andy  3.5 Joe, Charlie F, Ged, Charlie P, Nicky, Jacob  3 Alex  2.5 Jake, Kevin, Barry, Page, Nathan  2 Tony, Andre  1.5 Nick, James, Matt  1 Harris *  0.5 Ben *  0 *  had to leave before the end

2nd Team win Division 4!

  Southport 2nd team got the same number of match points as the runners-up Aigburth 3, but had half a point more board points.  So every single win and draw were a vital contribution for the title.  This is a particularly good result as Southport hasn't had a  2nd team for a few years and it has only been possible to reinstate the team this season because of the new members who joined us after the Covid lockdowns.